Thursday, July 7, 2011

Technology and me

Technology was not as advanced when I was in elementary school. Even though it has not been too long since then I still can see a big difference. I do remember using computers for some reading skills but the activities were not as exciting as they are now. The only other types of technology I remember from elementary through high school is the white board and projector. I used computers to take AR tests, work on reading skills, and work on math skills. Chalk boards/White boards and projectors were used to provide notes, give examples, and display images to the whole class. Since I have been in college and done observations in the classroom I have expanded my uses with technology. I use the internet, Microsoft word, and power point in many of my classes at the university. Most all of my projects and grades come from the use of technology. In the classroom I have seen teachers use computers, ELMOs, ELMO tablets, smart boards, interactive websites, and different types of recorders.
To me educational technology is any form of technology used to further education in the classroom. Using technology in the classroom gives the students and teachers an alternative to basic learning and teaching activities. For teachers technology provides a way to get ideas from other teachers, interactive games and websites for students, a way to communicate with parents through news letters or email, and provide diverse teaching tools. I think that it is important for teachers to incorporate technology into lesson plans because not all students learn the same way. For students, technology can give students a different way of looking at subjects and this may help them learn better. With technology students can research to learn new information and present the new information to the class with presentations. Giving students the option of technology in the classroom can help them expand their learning experience. There are many positive aspects of technology in the classroom but it can be a negative experience for teachers and students. If the teacher does not have access to technology then it can be difficult to incorporate it into lessons. Some students do not have computers at home so it can be difficult for them to do some projects at home. Students who have access to computers at home may be more advanced in the classroom.

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