Monday, July 11, 2011

Assignment 3

The free learning styles test I found was very short and to the point.  It did not have many questions, and as soon as I finished I had my results.  From the questions I was asked, my results were that I chose one auditory learning statement, two visual learning statements, and two kinesthetic statements.  For the most part I think that my results are pretty accurate.  I think that I learn best by having information given to me in different ways.  I like to listen to someone talk about the information, but point out important parts not lecture for hours (auditory).  I also feel that I take in a lot more information when I can see the information and do some kind of activity with it (visual).  I do not like to sit in one spot for hours listening to a lecture.  I like to be able to get up and move around to get my brain going again.  I think that games and exercise are important for me when learning (kinesthetic).  When I have my own classroom, I want to make sure that I teach in many different ways so each student has an opportunity to learn.  I know this is a difficult goal but it is important to me.  I want to at least make sure that I am aware of each students learning style and hopefully direct lessons toward each group of students.  
The cognitive styles inventory I took was also very short and to the point.  It consisted of fifteen questions and gave me my results very quick.  I took a few different inventories before deciding on this one, because some of the results were hard for me to understand.  My results for this inventory were Sensorial/Emotional.  To understand what my results meant I read the description that was given, but I also did some reading from other websites. By reading I learned that a sensorial person uses their senses to learn and likes concrete information given to them.  I agree with my results because I learn better being engaged in a lesson, but I also like to know the information I am learning is true.  I will admit that my emotions/feelings can get the best of me sometimes.  I agree with this result because I sometimes base my decisions on how it will make other people feel.  I am an assistant manager where I work and when the manager is not around I know that it is my responsibility to make sure everyone is doing their job.  The hard thing for me is that I do not want to tell someone what to do and then the employee not like me for that.  These results will help me in the classroom because I can take into consideration everyone’s cognitive styles and learning styles to make my lesson plans work for the whole class.     
Learning styles:      
Cognitive styles:

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